When instantiating an EntityMatching
object one can tune multiple parameters, in particular:
Which name column to use from the input data, and the id column of the GT,
The setting of the preprocessing pipeline (defaults should work okay),
Which indexers to use for the candidate selection, and with which settings,
To turn on/off the supervised layer, and which input features to use (name-only features, without rank features),
Whether to use name aggregation (turned off by default).
Below we go through the most important parameters to control the entity matching model.
For the indexer parameters see the comments below.
Important to set both
as entity-matching parameters. The ground truth dataset needs both a name column and entity-id column. A list of names to match needs only a name column.
# three example name-pair candidate generators:
# word-based and character-based cosine similarity, and sorted neighbouring indexing
indexers = [
"type": "cosine_similarity",
"tokenizer": "words", # word-based cosine similarity
"ngram": 1, # 1-gram tokens only
"num_candidates": 10, # max 10 candidates per name-to-match
"cos_sim_lower_bound": 0., # lower bound on cosine similarity
"type": "cosine_similarity",
"tokenizer": "characters", # character-based cosine similarity
"ngram": 2, # 2-gram character tokens only
"num_candidates": 5, # max 5 candidates per name-to-match
"cos_sim_lower_bound": 0.2, # lower bound on cosine similarity
"type": "sni",
"window_length": 3, # sorted neighbouring indexing window of size 3.
em_params = {
"name_col": "Name", # important to set both index and name columns
"entity_id_col": "Index",
"indexers": indexers,
"carry_on_cols": [], # names of columns in the GT and names-to-match dataframes passed on by the indexers. GT columns get prefix 'gt_'.
"supervised_on": False, # no initial supervised model to select best candidates right now
"name_only": True, # only consider name information for matching, e.g. not "country" info
"without_rank_features": False, # add rank-based features for improved probability of match
"with_legal_entity_forms_match": True, # add feature that indicates match of legal entity forms (eg. ltd != co)
"aggregation_layer": False,
# initialize the entity matcher
p = PandasEntityMatching(em_params)
# prepare the indexers based on the ground truth names: e.g. fit the tfidf matrix of the first indexer.
# pandas dataframe with name-pair candidates, made by the indexers. all names have been preprocessed.
candidates_pd = p.transform(test_names)
In the candidates dataframe, the indexer output scores are called score_0, score_1, etc
by default.
Supervised Layer¶
The classifier can be trained to give a string similarity score or a probability of match. Both types of score are useful, in particular when there are many good-looking matches to choose between.
the entity-matcher only consider name information for matching. When set to false, it also considers country information, set withcountry_col
.The optional
is a list of extra columns (and optionally function to process them) between GT and names-to-match that are used for feature calculation (GT==ntm). See classPandasFeatureExtractor
for more details and alsocarry_on_cols
indexer option above.) Withname_only=False
.The use of rank features can be turned off with the EMM parameter
.The use of legal entity form matching can be turned on with the EMM parameter
.The flag
controls the fraction of positive names (those known to have a match) artificially converted into negative names (without a proper match).The flag
drop any duplicate training candidates and keep just one, if available keep the correct match. Recommended for string-similarity models, eg. with without_rank_features=True. default is False.
# create and fit a supervised model for the PandasEntityMatching object to pick the best match (this takes a while)
# input is "positive" names column 'Name' that are all supposed to match to the ground truth,
# and an id column 'Index' to check with candidate name-pairs are matching and which not.
# A fraction of these names, here 0.50, can be artificially turned into negative names (no match to the ground truth).
# (internally candidate name-pairs are automatically generated, which are input for the classification)
# this call sets supervised_on=True.
p.fit_classifier(train_positive_names_to_match=train_names, create_negative_sample_fraction=0.5,
drop_duplicate_candidates=True, extra_features=None)
# generated name-pair candidates, now with classifier-based probability of match.
# Input is the names' column 'Name'. In the output candidates df, see extra column 'nm_score'.
candidates_scored_pd = p.transform(test_names)
In the candidates dataframe, the classification output score is called nm_score
by default.
The trained sklearn model is accessible under p.supervised_models['nm_score']
Instead of calling p.fit_classifier()
, an independently trained sklearn model can be provided
as well through p.add_supervised_model(skl_model)
Aggregation Layer¶
Optionally, the EMM package can also be used to match a group of company names that belong together, to a common company name in the ground truth. For example, all different names used to address an external bank account. This step aggregates the name-matching scores from the supervised layer into a single match.
It is important to provide:
specifies which names belong together in one group. Default value isaccount
specifies the weight of each name in a group. For example the frequency of how often a name has been encountered.The score column to aggregate is set with
. By default set to the name-matching scorenm_score
, e.g. but can also be a cosine similarity score such asscore_0
# add aggregation layer to the EMM object
# this sets aggregation_layer=True.
candidates_pd = p.transform(account_data)
The aggregate output score is called agg_score
by default.